How Make idea exchange works
Already a Make user?
While anyone can view posts and comments in the idea exchange, you must have a Make account to submit, vote, or comment on posts.
To create your Make account, start here. If you are an Integromat user, make sure you use your Integromat credentials when creating a Make account so we recognize you as an existing customer.
Why did we create the ideas exchange?
While we wish we could review and analyze every single idea, we cannot keep up with the amazing volume of requests we receive on a regular basis.
As such, we are leveraging the power of the community to identify the most valuable ideas and respond with clear statuses and updates.
Once an idea gets more than 600 upvotes*, our product team will evaluate the idea, its alignment with our product vision, the impact on our customers, and other factors to see if it can be moved into production.
During this evaluation period, the idea will be set to “Under consideration” status. At the end of our evaluation, we will update the post with one of the following statuses:
Planned – While we can’t predict the future, we expect to deliver a solution in the next 12 to 18 months.
Not immediately planned – This is a great idea, but we are unlikely to be able to deliver new solutions for this in the next 12 to 18 months.
Not planned – Not part of our product direction and/or not possible due to third party external limitations.
Complete – Done, yay! We’ve delivered one or more capabilities that accomplish the goal described within this idea.
*Every 6 months, we review the upvote threshold and update if necessary.
What happened to Integromat requests?
We’ve migrated Integromat feature requests to the Make idea exchange, including votes and comment histories.
Please note that dates related to requests and comments are changed to the migration date and that your Make user is different from your Integromat user. As a result, you will not be able to view all the submissions you posted to the Integromat feature requests site.
Rules of engagement
The Make idea exchange is a community of peers. Support, kindness, and empathy go a long way.
Also, make sure you check for similar requests before posting. This is key to avoid duplicate requests and keep everything in order. This said if you have something new to add, feel free to create a post or add a comment to an existing post!