Connect Pipedrive CRM and Stripe integrations
Improve your business efficiency by automating sales with Pipedrive CRM and managing financial transactions with Stripe, freeing up time for strategic growth and minimizing errors through integration.
Trusted by thousands of fast-scaling organizations around the globe
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Build your Pipedrive CRM and Stripe integrations.
Integrate Pipedrive CRM as a trigger to automate your sales processes and Stripe as an action to manage financial transactions. With this setup, new customer sign-ups in Pipedrive can automatically trigger actions in Stripe, like generating invoices, processing payments, and tracking financial data. This synchronization reduces manual effort, minimizes errors, and allows time for strategic tasks, creating an integrated workflow between sales and financial operations. Experience increased productivity by using Pipedrive CRM's data management as a trigger and Stripe's payment functionalities as an action.
Connect any app with Pipedrive CRM and Stripe
Popular Pipedrive CRM and Stripe workflows.
Discover integration with Pipedrive CRM and Stripe. Automate workflows, sync customer data, and optimize operations for robust performance.
Create Stripe customers for new Persons in Pipedrive CRM
Every time a person is created in your Pipedrive CRM, Make will automatically create an identical customer in your Stripe.
TRY IT ->Create a Pipedrive CRM person and a deal from a Facebook Lead Ads form submission
Every time a new Facebook Lead Ads form is submitted, Make will automatically create a Pipedrive CRM person and a deal. Check out a more advanced version of this template: [Send Facebook leads to Pipedrive CRM and prevent lead duplication](
TRY IT ->Update Pipedrive deals based on a scheduled delay after listing all deals
Automatically update Pipedrive deals after listing them and applying a scheduled delay, optimizing your sales process with Pipedrive and Make.
TRY IT ->Update Pipedrive deals using data from a custom webhook
Automatically update your Pipedrive deals with real-time data from a custom webhook. Streamline your sales process by keeping deals current and accurate.
TRY IT ->Create new Pipedrive contacts from Elementor form submissions
Automatically create new Pipedrive contacts from Elementor form submissions. Connect Elementor and Pipedrive to streamline your contact management process.
TRY IT ->Watch Pipedrive deals and update Google Sheets rows accordingly
Automatically track Pipedrive deals and update corresponding Google Sheets rows. Streamline sales data management by syncing deal changes with your spreadsheets.
TRY IT ->Save new Stripe charges automatically to a Google Sheets spreadsheet
Every time a new charge is created in Stripe, Make will automatically add that charge to a Google Sheet spreadsheet.
TRY IT ->Get Business Data for Pipedrive leads with DataForSEO
Automatically enrich your Pipedrive leads with comprehensive business details from Google using DataForSEO API and Make. Effortlessly access critical information such as business name, description, categories, rating, address and contact details, and more. Use these insights to personalize your outreach, optimize campaigns, and make data-driven decisions. To get started, check our [Setup Guide for First Use](
TRY IT ->Send Stripe payment notifications via custom webhooks and respond with gateway actions
Automatically send Stripe payment notifications via custom webhooks and respond with gateway actions, streamlining your payment processing and communication workflow.
How to setup Pipedrive CRM and Stripe in 5 easy steps
Start by adding a module
To connect Pipedrive or Stripe, add the appropriate module for the app you want to use in your Make scenario.
Decide on Pipedrive connection method
Choose how to connect Pipedrive: either by using an API Token or through a simple OAuth process.
Connect Pipedrive
Follow steps in your Pipedrive account to get an API Token, or use OAuth for a quick and secure connection.
Choose Stripe connection type
Pick between using an API Key or OAuth to connect Stripe to Make, similar to Pipedrive's options.
Complete setting up connections
Input the required details for your chosen method and save to finish setting up Pipedrive and Stripe connections.
Maximize efficiency by integrating Pipedrive CRM with Stripe automation
Integrating Pipedrive CRM and Stripe automates data syncing, eliminates manual entry, and ensures data consistency for improved customer management and integrated workflows.
Automatically sync customer information between Pipedrive CRM and Stripe for accurate record-keeping.
Eliminate manual data entry by automating customer creation in Stripe directly from Pipedrive CRM.
Synchronize data consistently to reduce errors and ensure consistency across platforms.
Increase efficiency by incorporating tasks into a single workflow through Make.
How it works
Traditional no-code iPaaS platforms are linear and non-intuitive. Make allows you to visually create, build, and automate without limits.