With Twitch modules in Make, you can watch for, list, and/or manage the users, channels, streams, videos, clips, subscriptions, teams, games, goals, bits, tags, and whispers in your Twitch account.
To get started with Twitch, create an account at twitch.tv.
Refer to the Twitch API documentation for the list of available endpoints.
Deprecation Notice: Get Users Follows endpoint is deprecated and will be decommissioned on August 3, 2023. Access to this endpoint is limited to client IDs that have called the endpoint on or before February 17, 2023.
To establish the connection:
Log in to your Make account, add a Twitch module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.
Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.
Optional: Click Show advanced settings and enter your custom app client credentials. For more information, refer to the Twitch Registering Your App guide.
Use the following Redirect URI when creating your custom app:
.Click Save.
If prompted, authenticate your account and confirm access.
You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more Twitch modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.
After connecting the app, you can perform the following actions:
Block/Unblock User
Get Number of Follows/Followers (Deprecated)
List Followed Channels
List Channels Followers
List Your Block Lists
Search Users
Watch Bans/Unbans
Watch Followers
Watch Channel Updates
Watch Cheers
Watch Moderators
Watch Polls
Watch Predictions
Watch Raids
Watch Rewards/Redemptions
Update a Channel
Get a Channel
List Channel Editors
Search Channels
Watch Streams
List Followed Streams
List Streams
Get a Video
List Channel Videos
Delete a Video
Watch Clips
List Clips
Watch Subscriptions
List Channel Subscribers
Check Your Subscription
List Channel Teams
List Top Games
Search Games
Watch Goals
List Bit Leaderboard
List Cheermotes
Replace Stream Tags
List Stream Tags
Send a Whisper