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Microsoft To Do

The Microsoft To Do modules enable you to monitor, search, retrieve, create, edit or delete tasks and lists in your Microsoft To Do account.


  • A Microsoft account

In order to use Microsoft To Do with Make, it is necessary to have a Microsoft To Do account. If you do not have one, you can create a Microsoft To Do account at

To connect your Microsoft To Do account to Make follow the general instructions for Connecting to services.Connecting Make to any web service

After you click the Continue button, Make will redirect you to the Microsoft To Do website where you will be prompted to grant Make access to your account.

Optional: Click Show advanced settings to enter your custom app client credentials, tenant ID, and add additional scopes as needed. If requested, use the following Redirect URI when creating your custom app:

Confirm the dialog by clicking the Yes button.

Retrieves task details when a task is created, edited, due, or completed.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.

Watch Tasks

  • By Created Time Retrieves created tasks.

  • By Modified Time Retrieves edited tasks.

  • By Due Date Time Retrieves tasks when a due date is changed.

  • By Completed Date Time Retrieves tasks when the completed date is changed.


Set the filter. Retrieved tasks can be filtered by the tasks subject (name).


Select the list you want to monitor tasks from.


Set the maximum number of tasks Make will return during one execution cycle.

Retrieves tasks by the filter settings.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.


Set the filter. Retrieved tasks can be filtered by the task's:

  • subject (name)

  • created date

  • last modified date


Select the list you want to monitor tasks from.

Order by

Select the sort order of returned tasks.


Set the maximum number of tasks Make will return during one execution cycle.

Retrieves overdue tasks by the filter settings.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.


Set the filter. Retrieved tasks can be filtered by the task's:

  • subject (name)

  • created date

  • last modified date


Select the list you want to monitor tasks from.

Order by

Select the sort order of returned tasks.


Set the maximum number of overdue tasks Make will return during one execution cycle.

Retrieves task details.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.

Task ID

Enter (map) or select the task you want to retrieve details about.

Creates a new task.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.


Enter the subject/name of the task.

Start Date Time

Enter the date in the specified time zone when the task is to begin in the ISO 8601 format. E.g. 2020-04-16T09:00:00. The list of supported date and time formats.

Due Date Time

Enter the date in the specified time zone that the task is to be finished in the ISO 8601 format. E.g. 2020-04-16T09:00:00. The list of supported date and time formats.

Reminder Date Time

Enter the date and time for a reminder alert of the task to occur in the ISO 8601 format. E.g. 2020-04-16T09:00:00. The list of supported date and time formats.

List ID

Enter (map) or select the task's parent folder.


Set the importance of the new task.


Enter the text content of the note for the task.


Select the categories associated with the task. This is compatible only with the on-premise version. i.e. Outlook.

Source File

Map the file to add the attachment to the task. Max size 3 MB.

Map the file you want to upload from the previous module (e.g. HTTP > Get a File or Dropbox > Get a file), or enter the file name and file data manually.

Edits an existing task.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.

Task ID

Enter (map) or select the task you want to update.

Please find the descriptions of the fields in the Create a Task section above.

Deletes a specified task.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.

Task ID

Enter (map) or select the task you want to delete.

Sets a task status to completed.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.

Task ID

Enter (map) or select the task you want to complete.

Retrieves lists by the filter settings from your account.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.


Set the filter. Retrieved lists can be filtered by the list's:

  • name


Set the maximum number of lists Make will return during one execution cycle.

Retrieve list details.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.

List ID

Enter (map) or select the list you want to retrieve details about.

Creates a new list.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.

List Name

Enter (map) or select the list you want to retrieve details about.

Edits an existing list's name.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.

List ID

Enter (map) or select the list whose name you want to update.


Enter the new name for the list.

Deletes a specified list.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.

List ID

Enter (map) or select the list you want to delete.

Retrieves a list of files attached to the task.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.

Task ID

Enter (map) or select the task you want to retrieve files from.


Set the maximum number of files Make will return during one execution cycle.

Adds a file to the task.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.

Task ID

Enter (map) or select the task you want to attach the file to.

Source File

Map the file to add the attachment to the task. Max size 3 MB.

Map the file you want to upload from the previous module (e.g. HTTP > Get a File or Dropbox > Get a file), or enter the file name and file data manually.

Allows you to perform a custom API call.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft account.


Enter a path relative to e.g./beta/me/outlook/tasks or /v1.0/me/events

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Microsoft Graph REST API documentations: Beta or v1.0


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

The following API call returns all tasks in your Microsoft To Do account:






Results can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > value.

In our example, 4 tasks were returned:

  • Watch Tasks - offline_access, User.Read, Tasks.Read

  • Search Tasks - offline_access, User.Read, Tasks.Read

  • Search Overdue Tasks - offline_access, User.Read, Tasks.Read

  • Get a Task - offline_access, User.Read, Tasks.Read

  • Create a Task - offline_access, User.Read, MailboxSettings.Read, Tasks.ReadWrite

  • Update a Task - offline_access, User.Read, MailboxSettings.Read, Tasks.ReadWrite

  • Delete a Task - offline_access, User.Read, Tasks.ReadWrite

  • Complete a Task - offline_access, User.Read, Tasks.ReadWrite

  • Search Lists - offline_access, User.Read, Tasks.Read

  • Get a List - offline_access, User.Read, Tasks.Read

  • Create a List - offline_access, User.Read, Tasks.ReadWrite

  • Update a List - offline_access, User.Read, Tasks.ReadWrite

  • Delete a List - offline_access, User.Read, Tasks.ReadWrite

  • List Attachments - offline_access, User.Read, Tasks.Read

  • Add an Attachment - offline_access, User.Read

  • Make an API Call - offline_access, User.Read