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The BugHerd modules allow you to watch, create, update, list, retrieve, and delete the projects and tasks in your BugHerd account.

Getting Started with BugHerd


  • A BugHerd account

In order to use BugHerd with Make, it is necessary to have an BugHerd account. If you do not have one, you can create a BugHerd account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Make scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting BugHerd to Make

To connect your BugHerd account to Make you need to obtain the API Key from your BugHerd account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Make module.

  1. Log in to your BugHerd account.

  2. From the top menu, click Settings and copy the API Key to your clipboard.

  3. Go to Make and open the BugHerd module's Create a connection dialog.

  4. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  5. In the API Key field, enter the API key copied in step 2, and click Continue.

The connection has been established.


Creates a new project.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project Name

Enter a name for the project.

Project URL

Enter the website URL address

Is Active

Select whether the project is active.

Is Public

Select whether the Project is accessible to the public.

Retrieves a project specified by ID.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Updates a project specified by ID.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose details you want to update.

Project Name

Enter a name for the project.

Project URL

Enter the website URL address

Is Active

Select whether the project is active.

Is Public

Select whether the Project is accessible to the public.

Deletes a project specified by ID.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID you want to delete.


Triggers when a new task is created.


You do not have to add the webhooks in the BugHerd as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Webhook Name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose new tasks you want to watch.

Triggers when a task is updated.


You do not have to add the webhooks in the BugHerd as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Webhook Name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose updated tasks you want to watch.

Triggers when a task is deleted.


You do not have to add the webhooks in the BugHerd as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Webhook Name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose deleted tasks you want to watch.

Triggers when a new comment is added.


You do not have to add the webhooks in the BugHerd as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Webhook Name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose task's comments you want to watch.

Creates a task on a specific project.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose task you want to create.


Enter the details of the task.

External ID

Enter a unique custom task ID.


Select the priority of the task. For example, High.


Select the status of the task. For example, In Progress.

Requester ID

Select the Requester ID who has requested this task.

Assigned To

Select the User ID to whom you want to assign this task.

Tag Names

Add the tags for the task.

Gets a task specified by ID.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose task details you want to retrieve.

Task ID

Select the Task ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Updates a task specified by ID.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose task details you want to update.

Task ID

Select the Task ID whose details you want to update.


Enter the details of the task.

External ID

Enter a unique custom task ID.

Adds a comment to a specific task.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID to whose task you want to add the comment.

Task ID

Select the Task ID to which you want to add the comment.

Comment's Text

Enter the comment's text which you want to add.

User ID

Select the User ID who is adding the comment.

Creates an attachment to a specific task.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID to whose task you want to add an attachment.

Task ID

Select the Task ID to which you want to add the attachment.

How do you want to create the attachment?

Select the option using which you want to add the attachment to the task:

  • From URL

  • Upload a file

File Name

Enter the file name with extension. For example, sample.xml

File URL

Enter the URL address to the file.

File Data

Enter (map) the file data.

Finds a task by the external ID.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID to whose task you want to add an attachment.

External ID

Enter a unique External ID of the task you are searching for.

Gets a specific attachment from a task specified by ID.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID to whose task's attachment whose details you want to retrieve.

Task ID

Select the Task ID whose attachment details you want to retrieve.

Attachment ID

Select the Attachment ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Deletes a specific attachment from a task specified by ID.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID to whose task's attachments you want to delete.

Task ID

Select the Task ID whose attachment you want to delete.

Attachment ID

Select the Attachment ID whose details you want to delete.


Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Establish a connection to your BugHerd account.


Enter a path relative to For example: /api_v2/organizations.json


For the list of available endpoints, refer to the BugHerd API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

The following API call returns all the projects from your BugHerd account:






Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > projects.

In our example, 2 projects were returned:
