Vincario VIN Decoder
With Vincario VIN Decoder modules in Make, you can perform VIN decode and VIN stolen check and get details for decoding and vehicle market value.
To get started with Vincario VIN Decoder, create an account at
Refer to the Vincario VIN Decoder API documentation for the list of available endpoints.
The latest API version returns 40 vehicle details on average (European market).

Connect Vincario VIN Decoder to Make
To connect Vincario VIN Decoder app, you must obtain the API key and API secret values from your account.
Log in to your Vincario VIN Decoder account.
Click You Profile Name > API. Fill out the request form to receive the API key and secret values.
Log in to your Make account, insert a Vincario VIN Decoder module in your scenario, and click the Add button next to the Connection field.
Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.
In the API Key and API Secret fields, enter the details received in Step 2 and click Save.
You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more Vincario VIN Decoder modules. If your connection needs reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.
Build Vincario VIN Decoder Scenarios
After connecting the app, you can perform the following actions:
Get Available Details for Decoding
Returns a list of vehicle details that can be decoded with the VIN Decoder API service. This endpoint is Free of charge.
Perform a VIN Decode
Decodes VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and returns a full vehicle specification like Make, Model Year, Engine details etc.,
Perform a VIN Stolen Check
Performs a real-time check of the entered VIN in national police databases of stolen vehicles of Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Vincario's own database of stolen vehicles.
Get a Vehicle Market Value
Returns statistical data about price and odometer of the vehicles on the market. Response also contains input data used for computation.
Typical Use Cases of Vincario VIN Decoder
Fleet Management
Identify all your vehicles in order to measure CO2 emissions, understand the ratio of electric vehicles to your fleet or expand your services globally. Automotive AftermarketDecode a vehicle identification number to get correct spare part identificati
Telematics Solutions
Decipher a VIN obtained from OBD2/CAN bus protocols to recognize a vehicle specification for further app communication and settings.
Car Rental & Car Sharing
Simplify a vehicle onboarding process with vehicle specification pre-filled based on a VIN code lookup.
Car Insurance & Leasing Services
VIN lookup vehicle type, make, model, model year, engine details and transmission to properly calculate vehicle insurance or leasing costs.
Automotive Aftermarket
Decode a vehicle identification number to get correct spare part identification.
Data Automation and VIN Validation
Automate vehicle data submissions, save time, reduce human based errors and misspellings by pre-filling vehicle data into application form using a VIN lookup service.