Scenario notes
Notes are a way how to share information about a scenario with your team. You can use notes to document and communicate essential details to other Make users.
The following sections describe how to create notes in a scenario, how to inspect and view them and how to manage notes.
Create notes
You can attach a note to any module or any route in the scenario. Each module or route can have up to one note. Within this limit, you can have a maximum of 200 notes in a scenario. Each note can contain up to ten thousand characters.
When you use a lot of formatting, like emojis and links, you might reach the note length limit faster than with no formatting. Make stores your notes in the HTML format, which uses extra characters to set formatting.
To add a note:
Right-click the module or the route to which you want to add the note.
Select Add a note.
Write your note in the text field. Use the quick formatting tools to add formatting, links and emojis to your note.
Click OK.
You added a note to your scenario.
Note attached to a module.
Note attached to a route.
View notes
There are multiple ways to view notes in your scenario:
Hover over note marker in the scenario editor to see note preview.
Click once into the note to see all content of the note. You can scroll the content if the note is very long.
Clicking the note twice allows you to edit the note.
Click on the sticky note icon in the scenario toolbar to view the note panel. The note panel shows the preview of all notes in the scenario.
You can use the note panel to get a quick overview of the information in the scenario notes.
Update notes
In the scenario editor, click the note twice to start editing a note. When you finish, click the OK button to save your changes.
Close the note or click Cancel to discard your changes.
Delete notes
To delete a note, click the trash icon in the top right corner of the note window. When the confirmation notification appears, click the Delete button.
Once you delete a note, you cannot restore it back.