The TMetric modules allow you to watch, create, update, list, and delete the tasks, and time entries in your TMetrict account.
Getting Started with TMetric
A TMetric account
In order to use TMetric with Make, it is necessary to have a TMetric account. If you do not have one, you can create a TMetric account at
Connecting TMetric to Make
To connect your TMetric account to Make you need to obtain the API Key from your TMetric account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Make module.
1. Log in to your TMetric account and open your Dashboard.
2. Click Your Profile Name in the bottom-left corner > My Profile.

3. Click Get New API Token and copy the token to your clipboard.

4. Go to Make and open the TMetric module's Create a connection dialog.
5. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.
6. In the API Token field, enter the token copied in step 3 and click Continue.
The connection has been established.
Watch New Tasks
Triggers when a new task is created.
Connection | |
Account ID | Select the Account ID whose tasks you want to watch. |
Limit | Enter the maximum number of tasks Make should return during one scenario execution cycle. |
Assignee List | Add the assignees whose tasks you want to watch. |
Group List | Add the groups whose associated tasks you want to watch. |
Project List | Add the projects whose tasks you want to watch. |
Tag List | Add the keywords to filter the tasks when searching. |
Completed | Select whether you want to watch the completed tasks:
Create a Task
Creates a task.
Connection | |
Account ID | Select the Account ID for which you want to create the task. |
Assignee ID | Select the Assignee ID to whom you want to assign the task. |
Description | Enter the details of the task. |
Project ID | Select the Project ID to which the task belongs to. |
Tag Identifiers | Add the tag or keywords to filter the task when searching. |
Is Completed | Select the checkbox if the task is completed. |
Budget Size | Enter the budget details allocated for the task. |
Creator ID | Select the user who created this task. |
External Issue ID | Enter the External Issue ID of the task. |
Integration ID | Enter the Integration ID if the task is tracked by integrating with another app. |
Integration URL | Enter the Integration URL for the task. |
Relative Issue URL | Enter the issue URL for which this task is being created. |
Project Task ID | Select the Project Task ID associated with the task. |
Show Issue ID | Select whether you want to show the Issue ID in the task. |
Delete a Task
Deletes a task.
Connection | |
Account ID | Select the Account ID whose task you want to delete. |
Task ID | Select the Task ID you want to delete. |
Get a Task
Gets a single task.
Connection | |
Account ID | Select the Account ID whose task details you want to retrieve. |
Task ID | Select the Task ID whose details you want to retrieve. |
List Tasks
Lists all tasks for an account.
Connection | |
Account ID | Select the Account ID whose tasks you want to watch. |
Assignee IDs List | Add the assignees whose tasks you want to watch. |
Group IDs List | Add the groups whose associated tasks you want to watch. |
Project IDs List | Add the projects whose tasks you want to watch. |
Tag IDs List | Add the keywords to filter the tasks when searching. |
Completed | Select whether you want to watch the completed tasks:
Time Entries
Create a Time Entry
Creates a time entry.
Connection | |
Account ID | Select the Account ID for which you want to create the time entry. |
User Profile ID | Select the User Profile ID whose time entry you are creating. |
Start Time | Enter the start time. |
End Time | Enter the end time. |
Time Duration | Enter the duration of the time entry. |
Project Name | Select the project name associated with the time entry. |
Tags Identifiers | Add the keywords to filter the time entries when searching. |
Is Billable | Select the checkbox if this time entry is billable. |
Is Invoiced | Select the checkbox if the time entry is invoiced. |
Description | Enter the details for creating the time entry. |
Project ID | Select the Project ID associated with the time entry. |
Project Task ID | Select the Project Task ID associated with the time entry. |
List Time Entries
Lists all-time entries.
Connection | |
Account ID | Select the Account ID whose time entries you want to list. |
User Profile ID | Select the User Profile ID whose time entries you want to list. |
Use UTC Time | Select whether you want to list the time entries in UTC Time:
Version | Enter the version of the time entries you want to list. |
Latest Version | Enter the latest version of the time entries you want to list. |
Include Deleted | Select whether you want to list the deleted time entries:
Truncate | Select whether you want to list the truncated time entries:
Start Time | Enter the start time of the time entry you want to list. |
End Time | Enter the end time of the time entry you want to list. |
Edit/Delete a Time Entry
Edits or deletes a time entry.
Connection | |
Account ID | Select the Account ID for which you want to update or delete the time entry. |
User Profile ID | Select the User Profile ID whose time entries you want to update or delete. |
Time Entry ID | Select the Time Entry ID you want to update or delete. |
Start Time | Enter the start time of the time entry. |
End Time | Enter the end time of the time entry. |
Time Duration | Enter the duration of the time entry |
Description | Enter the details for updating or deleting the time entry. |
Project ID | Select the Project ID associated with the time entry. |
Is Billable | Select the checkbox if this time entry is billable. |
Is Invoiced | Select the checkbox if the time entry is invoiced. |
Tags Identifiers | Add the keywords to filter the time entries when searching. |
Is Deleted | Select the checkbox if the time entry is deleted. |
Update a Timer
Updates, starts, and stops a timer.
Connection | Establish a connection to your TMetric connection. |
Account ID | Select the Account ID for which you want to update or delete the time entry. |
Is Started | Select whether the timer is started:
Is Long | Select whether the timer is started:
Start Time | Enter the start time of the timer. |
End Time | Enter the end time of the timer. |
Monthly Balance | Enter the balance hours of time remaining for the month. |
Is Billable | Select whether the timer is billable:
Tags Identifiers | Add the keywords to filter the time entries when searching. |
Description | Enter the details for updating or stopping the timer. |
Project ID | Select the Project ID for which you are tracking the time. |
Project Task ID | Select the Project Task ID of the project for which you are updating the timer. |
Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.
Connection | |
URL | Enter a path relative to For the list of available endpoints, refer to the TMetric API Documentation. |
Method | Select the HTTP method you want to use: GET to retrieve information for an entry. POST to create a new entry. PUT to update/replace an existing entry. PATCH to make a partial entry update. DELETE to delete an entry. |
Headers | Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you. |
Query String | Enter the request query string. |
Body | Enter the body content for your API call. |
Example of Use - List Tasks
The following API call returns all the tasks from your TMetric account:

Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body. In our example, 7 tasks were returned: