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Quick error handling reference

The following table provides a quick reference to working with error handlers in Make.

If you want to learn more about individual error handlers, check the dedicated articles in this section of the Help Center. If you want to learn more about error handling, you can start with the introduction.


Icon of Break error handler

Make stores the subsequent modules as an incomplete execution. Set the automatic completion to Yes to get similar functionality as a Retry. Otherwise, you have to resolve incomplete executions manually.

Make processes the rest of the bundles in the scenario flow normally.

The scenario ends with the "warning" status.

Check the Break error handler for further information.


Icon of Commit error handler

Make stops the scenario run and commits all changes.

Make doesn't process the rest of the modules in the scenario flow.

The scenario ends with the "success" status.

Check the Commit error handler for further information.


Icon for Ignore error handler

Make ignores the error. The bundle doesn't continue in the scenario flow. 

Make processes the rest of the bundles in the scenario flow normally.

The scenario ends with the "success" status.

Check the Ignore error handler for further information.


Icon for Resume error handler

Specify a substitute mapping for when the module outputs an error. The substitute data continue through the rest of the scenario.

Make processes the rest of the bundles in the scenario flow normally.

The scenario ends with the "success" status.

Check the Resume error handler for further information.


Rollback error handler icon

Make stops the scenario run and reverts changes in all modules that support transactions (ACID modules).

Make doesn't process the rest of the modules in the scenario flow.

Make stops scheduling the scenario after the Rollback activates for the number of consecutive errors in a row.

The scenario ends with the "error" status.


The Rollback is the default error handling if you don't set any error handling and when you keep incomplete executions disabled.