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With Gmail modules in Make, you can manage the emails, email labels, and attachments in your Gmail account.

To use the Gmail modules, you must have a Gmail account. You can create an account at

Refer to the Gmail API documentation for a list of available endpoints.


Make's use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy.

Connect Gmail to Make


To connect an email ending in @gmail or @googlemail, you need to create a custom OAuth client in the Google Cloud Platform and get your project client credentials to establish the connection in Make.

There are two procedures to establish the connection in Make depending on credentials you provide:

  • Default credentials provided by Make. Use the option if your company has a paid subscription to Google Cloud Platform and uses a custom domain name for Gmail: for example, Proceed to establishing the connection in your Make scenario where you can skip the step 3.

  • Your custom credentials. You only have restricted access to Gmail API which doesn't allow using default credentials provided by Make. You need to create a custom OAuth client in Google Cloud Platform:. Use the option if:

    • You don't have a subscription to Google Cloud Platform, use a free Google Account, and have your email address ending with @gmail or @googlemail.

    • You use a paid Google Account, and you want to have more control of what the Gmail app in Make is able to do. You need to gain the permission. If you don’t have this permission, ask the Google Cloud Platform Project Owner or Project IAM Admin to grant it to you.

    Proceed to creating a custom OAuth client in Google Cloud Platform, and then establish a connection in your Make scenario where you need to follow all the steps.

Create and configure a Google Cloud Platform project for Gmail

To connect to Make using your own client credentials, you can create and configure a project in the Google Cloud Platform.


You need to follow the procedure if you use an email address that ends with @gmail or @googlemail.

Create a Google Cloud Platform project for Gmail

To create a Google Cloud Platform project:

  1. Log in to the Google Cloud Platform using your Google credentials.

  2. On the welcome page, click Create or select a project > New project. If you already have a project, proceed to the step 5.

  3. Enter a Project name and select the Location for your project.

  4. Click Create.

  5. In the top menu, check if your new project is selected in the Select a project dropdown. If not, select the project you just created.



To create a new project or work in the existing one, you need to have the permission. If you don’t have this permission, ask the Google Cloud Platform Project Owner or Project IAM Admin to grant it to you.

Enable APIs for Gmail

To enable the required APIs:

  1. Open the left navigation menu and go to APIs & Services > Library.

  2. Search for the following API: Gmail API

  3. Click Gmail API, then click Enable. If you see the Manage button instead of the Enable button, you can proceed to the next step: the API is already enabled.

Create your Gmail client credentials

To create your client credentials:

  1. In Google Auth Platform, click Clients.

  2. Click + Create Client.

  3. In the Application type dropdown, select Web application.

  4. Update the Name of your OAuth client. This will help you identify it in the platform.

  5. In the Authorized redirect URIs section, click + Add URI and enter the following redirect URI:

  6. Click Create.

  7. Click the OAuth 2.0 Client you created, copy your Client ID and Client secret values, and store them in a safe place.


You will use these values in the Client ID and Client Secret fields in Make.

Establish the connection in Make

  1. Log in to your Make account, add a Gmail module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.

  2. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  3. Optional for Gmail users with non-@gmail or @googlemail domains: Switch on the Show advanced settings toggle and enter your Client ID and Client secret that you created in the previous section. For more information, see the Create and configure a Google Cloud Platform project for Gmail section above.

  4. Click Sign in with Google.

  5. If prompted, authenticate your account, grant all requested permissions, and confirm access.

You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more Gmail modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.

Build Gmail Scenarios

After connecting the app, you can perform the following actions:


Triggers when a new email is received to be processed according to specified criteria.


Establish a connection to your Gmail account.


Select the email folder you want to watch.

Filter type

Select Simple filter to filter emails by selecting criteria, or Gmail filter to filter emails by entering the query.


Select the option to filter watched emails by.


Use the Gmail search syntax. To search for messages containing an icon of a specific color, use the following search query:

  • Yellow Star: l:^ss_sy

  • Blue Star: l:^ss_sb

  • Red Star: l:^ss_sr

  • Orange Star: l:^ss_so

  • Green Star: l:^ss_sg

  • Purple Star: l:^ss_sp

  • Red Bang: l:^ss_cr

  • Yellow Bang: l:^ss_cy

  • Blue Info: l:^ss_cb

  • Orange Guillment: l:^ss_co

  • Green Check: l:^ss_cg

  • Purple Question: l:^ss_cp

Sender email address

Enter the email addresses that you want to filter emails by.


Enter the characters string in the email subject that you want to filter emails by.

Search phrase

Enter the characters string in the email subject or body that you want to filter emails by.

Mark email message(s) as read when fetched

Select whether you want to mark retrieved emails as read.

Maximum number of results

Set the maximum number of results that Make will work with during one cycle.


Copies an email or a draft into a selected folder.


Establish a connection to your Gmail account.


Select the email source folder that contains an email you want to copy.

Destination folder

Select the email destination folder where you want to copy an email to.

Email ID (UID)

Enter the ID of the email you want to copy. To get the Email ID (UID), use the Email > Get Emails module. You will see the value in the output.

Creates a new draft and adds it to a selected folder.


Establish a connection to your Gmail account.


Select the folder you want to add a draft to.


Enter the recipient's email address.


Enter the email draft subject.


Enter the email message body. You can use HTML tags.


File name

Enter the name of the file to be uploaded, including the file extension. For example, myFile.png.


Enter the file data. Refer to our Help Center to learn how to work with files.

Copy recipient

Enter the copy recipient's email address. (CC:)

Blind copy recipient

Enter the blind copy recipient's email address. (BCC:)

Removes an email or a draft from a selected folder.


Establish a connection to your Gmail account.

Gmail Message ID

Enter the ID of the message you want to delete. To get the Gmail Message ID, use the Gmail > Watch Emails module. You will see the value in the output.


Select whether you want to move the email to the thrash folder or to permanently delete it.

Marks an email or a draft in a selected directory as read by setting the "Read" flag.


Establish a connection to your Gmail account.


Select the folder that contains the email you want to mark as Read.

Email ID (UID)

Enter the ID of the email you want to copy. To get the Email ID (UID), use the Email > Get Emails module. You will see the value in the output.

Marks an email in a selected directory as read by setting the "Unread" flag.


Establish a connection to your Gmail account.


Select the folder that contains the email you want to mark as Unread.

Email ID (UID)

Enter the ID of the email you want to copy. To get the Email ID (UID), use the Email > Get Emails module. You will see the value in the output.

Modifies labels on the specified email message.


Establish a connection to your Gmail account.

Gmail Message ID

Enter the ID of the message whose labels you want to modify. To get the Gmail Message ID, use the Gmail > Watch Emails module. You will see the value in the output.

Labels to add

Select the labels you want to attach to the email.

Labels to remove

Select the labels you want to detach from the email.

Moves a chosen email to a selected folder.


Establish a connection to your Gmail account.


Select the email source folder that contains an email you want to move.

Destination folder

Select the email destination folder where you want to move an email to.

Email ID (UID)

Enter the ID of the email you want to copy. To get the Email ID (UID), use the Email > Get Emails module. You will see the value in the output.

Sends a new email.


Establish a connection to your Gmail account.


Enter a custom sender email address.

There are two options for entering:

  • a custom name in quotes before a custom sender email address: "John Bush"

  • an email address that you're already connected with:


Enter the recipient's email address.


Enter the email subject.


Enter the email message body. You can use HTML tags.


File name

Enter the name of the file to be uploaded, including the file extension. For example, myFile.png.


Enter the file data. Refer to our Help Center to learn how to work with files.

Content ID

Enter a Content ID to attach inline images. This allows you to create an ID for the attachment, which you can then use in HTML: <img src="cid:ii_jrc3r9mw1"> where ii_jrc3r9mw1 is a content ID.

Copy recipient

Enter the copy recipient's email address. (CC:)

Blind copy recipient

Enter the blind copy recipient's email address. (BCC:)


Iterates through received attachments.

Source module

Select another Gmail module whose output contains attachments you want to iterate.

Common Problems

Here you can find solutions for the most common issues when working with Gmail in Make.

Error 400: Failed to Verify a Connection

Your connection has expired and is no longer valid. You need to reauthorize the connection every seven days.

This error affects non-Google Workspace accounts. For more details, please refer to Google OAuth documentation.

Due to Google's updated security policy, unpublished apps can only have a 7-day authorization period. After the OAuth security token expires, the connection is no longer authorized and any module relying on it will fail.


Option 1:

To avoid weekly reauthorization, you can update the publishing status of your project.

If you update your project to the In production status, you will not be required to reauthorize the connection weekly.

Change the status of your project by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the Google Cloud Platform using your Google credentials.

  2. Navigate to the Oauth consent screen.

  3. Click the Publish app button next to your app.

  4. If the Needs verification message appears, choose whether to go through the Google verification process for the app or to connect to your unverified app. Currently connecting to unverified apps works in Make, but we cannot guarantee the Google will allow connections to unverified apps for an indefinite period.

For more information regarding publishing statuses, refer to the Publishing status section of Google's Setting up your OAuth consent screen help and our Community page.

Option 2

If you keep your project in the Testing status, you will be required to reauthorize your connection in Make every week.

Reauthorize your Google connection by following these steps:

  1. Log in to Make.

  2. Go to Connections.

  3. Find your Google connection and click the Reauthorize button.


    To prevent the expiration of your Google connection, we suggest you to reauthorize the connection every week.

Error 403: Access Denied

You didn't add a test user for your project in Google Cloud Platform, and the project has the Testing status. You need to add the email address associated with the Google account you want to connect with Make as a Test user.

  1. Log in to the Google Cloud Platform using your Google credentials.

  2. Go to APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen.

  3. Under Test users, + Add Users and enter an email of a user that you want to create a connection for.

  4. Click Save.

Error 403: Access Not Configured

The Gmail API was disabled in the Google Cloud Platform. You need to enable it again.