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With Ortto modules in Make, you can manage the contacts, lists, segments, journeys in your Ortto account.

To use the Ortto modules, you must have a paid account. For subscription information, refer to the Ortto Pricing page.

Refer to the Ortto API documentation for a list of available endpoints.

Connect Ortto to Make

To establish the connection, you must:

  1. Obtain your API key in Ortto.

  2. Establish the connection in Make.

Obtain your API key in Ortto

To obtain your API key from your Ortto account:

  1. Log in to your Ortto account.

  2. On the Data sources page, click New data source.

  3. Select Custom API.

  4. Click Popular Custom API (advanced) > Get started > Setup.

  5. In the API name field, enter the name for the API integration. Since you use Make to connect Ortto, you can name a new API integration after Make.

  6. In the Merge strategy field, specify the default associations used by this API key. Refer to Ortto documentation for more information.

  7. Click Create.

  8. On the Configuration page, click Copy to copy the API key value shown and store it in a safe place.

You will use this value in the API Key field in Make.

Establish the connection with Ortto in Make

To establish the connection in Make:

  1. Log in to your Make account, add an Ortto module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.

    Note: If you add a module with an instant tag, click Create a webhook, then Create a connection.

  2. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  3. In the API Key field, enter the API key copied in the section above.

  4. Click Save.

You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more Ortto modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.

Build Ortto Scenarios

After connecting the app, you can perform the following actions:


  • List All Contacts

  • Get Contact

  • Create Contact

  • Update Contact

  • Delete Contact

  • Unsubscribe Contact

  • Delete Contact Activity Feed


  • List all Lists

  • Add List

  • List Contacts on List

  • Add Contact to List

  • Remove Contact form List

  • Check if Contact on List


  • List Smart Segments

  • List Contacts on Smart Segments


  • List Journeys with API Triggers

  • Add Contact to Journey

  • Get Email


  • Watch Events


  • Make an API Call


This app uses webhooks to trigger a scenario when an event occurs instantly. All webhook modules have an instant tag next to their name.

When you create an Ortto webhook in Make, it is attached automatically and requires no additional set up.