The Podio modules allow you to watch, create, update, retrieve, comments, contacts, items, organizations, files, applications, status, and tasks in your Podio account.
Getting Started with Podio
A Podio account
In order to use Podio with Make, it is necessary to have a Podio account. If you do not have one, you can create a Podio account at podio.com/signup.
Connecting Podio to Make
1. Go to Make and open the Podio module's Create a connection dialog.

2. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection and click Continue.
3. Confirm the access by clicking the Grant Access.

The connection has been established.
Watch Apps
Triggers when a new application is created.
Connection | |
Organization ID | Select the Organization ID whose applications you want to watch. |
Workspace | Select the workspace whose applications you want to watch. |
Limit | Set the number of returned apps Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Watch Comments
Triggers when a new comment is created.
Connection | |
Object | Select the object whose comments you want to watch:
ID | Select the App Item ID / Task ID / Status ID whose comments you want to watch. |
Limit | Set the number of returned apps Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Watch Contacts
Triggers when a new contact is created.
Connection | |
Limit | Set the number of returned contacts Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Watch Files
Triggers when a new file is added.
Connection | |
Watch | Select the option to watch the files:
Limit | Set the number of returned files Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Attached to | Select the option whose attached files you want to watch:
Watch Items
Triggers when a new item is created or an existing item updated.
Connection | |
Organization ID | Select the Organization ID whose applications you want to watch. |
Workspace | Select the workspace whose applications you want to watch. |
Application | Select the application whose items you want to watch:
Watch | Select the option to watch the items:
Limit | Set the number of returned items Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Watch Notifications
Triggers when a new notification is created.
Connection | |
Limit | Set the number of returned notifications Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Watch Organizations
Triggers when a new organization is created.
Connection | |
Limit | Set the number of returned organizations Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Watch Tasks
Triggers when a new task is created.
Connection | |
Organization ID | Select the Organization ID whose workspace tasks you want to watch. |
Workspace | Select the workspace whose tasks you want to watch. |
Limit | Set the number of returned tasks Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Watch Views
Triggers when a new view is created.
Connection | |
Limit | Set the number of returned views Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Watch Workspaces
Triggers when a new workspace is created.
Connection | |
Organization ID | Select the Organization ID whose workspaces you want to watch. |
Limit | Set the number of returned workspaces Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Watch Events
Triggers as soon as a new event occurs.
You do not have to add the webhooks in the Podio as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.
Webhook Name | Enter a name for the webhook. |
Connection | |
Watched Object | Select the object whose events you want to watch. |
Organization ID | Select the Organization ID whose events you want to watch. |
Workspace | Select the workspace of the organization whose events you want to watch. |
Application | Select the applications whose events you want to watch. |
Event Type | Select the event type:
Limit | Set the number of returned events Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Create an App Item
Creates an app item.
Connection | |
Organization | Select the Organization ID for whose applications you want to create an application. |
Workspace | Select the workspace to which you want to create an application. |
Application | Select the application type you want to create and the option auto-populates the related fields to fill:
Update an App Item
Updates an already existing app item.
Connection | |
Organization | Select the Organization ID for whose applications you want to create an application. |
Workspace | Select the workspace to which you want to create an application. |
Application | Select the application type you want to create and the option auto-populates the related fields to fill:
Item ID | Enter the Application's Item ID you want to update. |
Delete an App Item
Deletes an app item.
Connection | |
Item ID | Enter the application's Item ID you want to delete. |
Search for App Items
Returns app items matching the searched text.
Connection | |
Organization | Select the Organization ID whose application items you are searching for. |
Workspace | Select the workspace whose application items you are searching for. |
Searched Text | Enter the text or phrase to search item based on the specified text. |
Continue the execution of the route even if the module returns no results | Select the checkbox to execute the scenario even if there are no results. |
Maximum number of returned items | Set the number of returned items Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Filter App Items
Return items matching the specified criteria.
Connection | |
Organization | Select the Organization ID whose application items you are searching for. |
Get App Item
Retrieves an app item with a given ID.
Connection | |
Organization | Select the Organization ID for whose application items details you want to retrieve. |
Workspace | Select the workspace whose application items details you want to retrieve. |
Application | Select the application type:
Item ID | Enter the Application's Item ID whose details you want to retrieve. |
Create a Task
Creates a new task.
Connection | |
Task Name | Enter a name for the task. |
Description of the Task | Enter the details of the task. |
Due Date | Enter a date by when the task must be complete. |
ID of the user who is assigned to the task | Enter the User ID to whom you want to assign the task. |
Edit a Task
Edits an existing task.
Connection | |
Task ID | Enter the Task ID whose details you want to update. |
Task Name | Enter a name for the task. |
Description of the Task | Enter the details of the task. |
Due Date | Enter a date by when the task must be complete. |
ID of the user who is assigned to the task | Enter the User ID to whom you want to assign the task. |
Complete a Task
Completes a task.
Connection | |
Task ID | Enter the Task ID which you want to mark as complete. |
Delete a Task
Deletes an existing task.
Connection | |
Task ID | Enter the Task ID you want to delete. |
Create a Comment
Creates a new comment.
Connection | |
Object | Select the object for which you want to create a comment:
ID | Select the App Item ID/ Task ID / Status ID to which you want to add a comment. |
Comment | Enter the comment text. |
Edit a Comment
Edits an existing comment.
Connection | |
Comment ID | Enter the Comment ID which you want to edit. |
Comment | Enter the new comment text. |
Delete a Comment
Deletes an existing comment.
Connection | |
Comment ID | Enter the Comment ID you want to delete. |
Create a Status
Creates a new status.
Connection | |
Enter a Workspace | Select the option to choose the workspace:
Organization ID | Select the Organization ID for which you want to create a status. |
Workspace | Select the workspace for which you want to create a status. |
Text | Enter the status text. |
Edit a Status
Edits an existing status.
Connection | |
Status ID | Enter the Status ID you want to edit. |
Text | Enter the status text. |
Delete a Status
Deletes an existing status.
Connection | |
Status ID | Enter the Status ID you want to delete. |
Attach a File
Attaches a file to a given object.
Connection | |
Object | Select the object type to which you want to attach the file. |
Object ID | Enter the Object ID. |
File Name | Enter the file name. For example, |
Data | Enter the file data to the field or map the source of the file. |
Get App Field
Gets an app dropdown field and its values.
Connection | |
Organization | Select the Organization ID whose application items you are searching for. |
Workspace | Select the workspace whose application field details you want to retrieve. |
Application | Select the application whose field details you want to retrieve. |
Field | Select the field whose details you want to retrieve. |
Get Contacts
Retrieves a list of contacts.
Connection | |
Limit | Set the number of returned contacts Make will return during one execution cycle. |
Make an API Call
Makes a raw API call. The module allows you to make an arbitrary call using the existing connection.
Connection | |
URL | Enter a path relative to For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Podio API Documentation. |
Method | Select the HTTP method you want to use: GET to retrieve information for an entry. POST to create a new entry. PUT to update/replace an existing entry. PATCH to make a partial entry update. DELETE to delete an entry. |
Headers | Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you. |
Query String | Enter the request query string. |
Body | Enter the body content for your API call. |
Example of Use - Get Task
The following API call returns the specified task details from your Podio account:

Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > Response. In our example, task details were returned:

To convert the response details into standard JSON format, please map the response to the Parse JSON module.