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The pdfFiller modules enable you to watch events, create, upload, copy, download, list, move, rename and delete documents, or work with signature requests and filled forms in your pdfFiller account.

Getting Started With pdfFiller


  • A pdfFiller account

In order to use pdfFiller with Make, it is necessary to have a pdfFiller account. If you do not have one, you can create a pdfFiller account at

Connect pdfFiller to Make

  1. Go to Make, and open the pdfFiller module's Create a connection dialog.

  2. Enter a name for the connection to the Connection name field, and click Continue.


    After you click the Continue button, Make will redirect you to the pdfFiller website, where you will be prompted to grant Make access to your account.


Confirm the dialog by clicking the AUTHORIZE button.


Creates a new template by filling a template. The template containing radio fields is not supported.


Templates containing radio button fields are not supported!


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Template ID

Select the template from which you want to create the new template.

Folder ID

Select the target folder you want to create a new template in.

Document Name

Enter the name for the new template.

Fillable Fields

Fill in the template's fields. Field names in bold are required.

Uploads a document from the provided URL or file data. Creates a new document template. Supported file types: PPT; PPTX; DOC; DOCX; or PDF.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Upload By

Select whether you want to provide a file using a previous module (file) or using the URL.


Enter the link to the file that you want to upload to your pdfFiller account. Supported file types: PPT; PPTX; DOC; DOCX; or PDF.

File Name

Enter the name of the document as you want to store it.

Source file

Map the file you want to upload from the previous module (e.g., HTTP > Get a File or Google Drive > Download a File), or enter the file name and file data manually.

Folder ID

Select the target folder you want to upload a file to.

With Tags

Select the Yes option to render all tags in the document as fillable fields.

Copies a document to the specified target folder under the desired document name.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Document ID

Enter (map) or select the document you want to copy.

New Folder ID

Select or map the destination folder to which you want to copy the document.

New Document Name

Enter the new name for the document.

Downloads a document.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Folder ID

Enter (map) or select the folder that contains the document you want to download.

Document ID

Select or map the ID of the document you want to download.

Retrieves documents by filter settings.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Folder ID

Enter (map) or select the folder you want to list documents from.

Start Date

Enter the date to filter documents by from the specified date.

End Date

Enter the date to filter documents by up to the specified date.

Order By

Select the property you want to sort returned documents by.


Select the sort order.


Set the maximum number of documents Make will return during one execution cycle.

Moves a document to the specified target folder.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Document ID

Enter (map) or select the document you want to move.

New Folder ID

Select or map the destination folder where you want to move the document.

Renames an existing document.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Document ID

Enter (map) or select the document you want to rename.

New Document Name

Enter the new name of the document without an extension.

Deletes a document.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Document ID

Enter (map) or select the document you want to delete.

Fill Request

Creates a new document and provides a short URL.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Document ID

Enter (map) or select the document you want to create a fill request for.


Select the notification mode. If the notification mode is Enabled or With PDF, you need to specify the Notification Emails.

Sender Notifications

Enable to receive notifications.


Set the access level for the fill request document.


Set the document access permission.

Additional Documents

Specify additional documents required after filling in the document.

Field Wizard

Select one of these options:

  • On: displays fillable fields with wizard.

  • Off: displays fillable fields without wizard.

  • Disabled: disables fillable fields display.

Retrieves filled form details.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Fill Request ID

Enter (map) or select the link to fill you want to retrieve details for.

Filled Form ID

Enter (map) or select the filled form you want to retrieve details for.

Retrieves data from the filled form.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Fill Request ID

Enter (map) or select the link to fill you want to retrieve filled data for.

Filled Form ID

Enter (map) or select the filled form you want to retrieve filled data for.

Downloads a filled form as PDF.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Fill Request ID

Enter (map) or select the link to fill you want to download filled data from.

Filled Form ID

Enter (map) or select the filled form you want to download filled data from.

File Name

Enter the file name of the downloaded PDF file (without the extension).

Downloads a file of a filled form's additional document.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Fill Request ID

Enter (map) or select the link to fill you want to download the additional document from.

Filled Form ID

Enter (map) or select the filled form you want to download the additional document from.

Additional Document ID

Enter (map) the ID of the additional document you want to download.

Signature Request

Creates a new signature request from an existing document.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Document ID

Enter (map) or select the document you want to create a signature for.


Select whether to send to a group or send to each recipient.

  • SendToEach: each recipient signs only his/her copy of the document and returns it to you.

  • SendToGroup: all recipients sign the same document, for instance, a multilateral agreement, and submit it to you.

Security PIN

Set your desired security level.

  • Standard: no PIN is used.

  • Enhanced: specify the PIN in the field below. PIN is not included in the signature request.


Set the PIN for enhanced security.

Envelope Name

Enter the envelope name when sending the signature request to the group.

Sign In Order

Check to enable the order in which SendToGroup recipients receive their requests to sign the document.


Add recipients of the signature request, and specify their details.

Sender Notifications

Enable to receive notifications.

Retrieve request details.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Signature Request ID

Enter (map) or select the signature request you want to retrieve details for.

Retrieves all signature requests in your account by the filter settings.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Folder ID

Enter (map) or select the folder you want to list signature requests from.

Start Date

Enter the date to filter signature requests by from the specified date.

End Date

Enter the date to filter signature requests by up to the specified date.

Order By

Select the property you want to sort returned signature requests by.


Select the sort order.


Set the maximum number of signature requests Make will return during one execution cycle.

Cancels a specified signature request.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Signature Request ID

Enter (map) or select the signature request you want to cancel.

Adds an additional recipient to a signature request, available only for SendToGroup.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Signature Request ID

Enter (map) or select the signature request you want to add recipients to.


Add recipients of the signature request and specify their details.

Returns all information about signature recipients and the signature status.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Signature Request ID

Enter (map) or select the signature request you want to retrieve recipients for.

Order By

Select the property you want to sort returned signature requests by.


Select the sort order.


Set the maximum number of signature requests Make will return during one execution cycle.

Sends a reminder to the signature request recipient.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Signature Request ID

Enter (map) or select the signature request you want to send a reminder for.


Enter (map) or select the recipient you want to send the signature request reminder to.


Triggers when a fill request, signature request, or a template constructor is completed.

Open module settings, and click the Add button to configure the trigger.


Webhook name

Enter the name for the webhook. E.g., Fill Request Completed


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.

Trigger By

Select the type of event that will trigger the Watch Events module, and select the particular document you want to watch in the field below.

Now, every time the specified event occurs, the Watch Events module in your Make scenario is triggered.

Allows you to perform a custom API call.


Establish a connection to your pdfFiller account.


Enter a path relative to example: /v2/users/me.


For the list of available endpoints, refer to the pdfFiller API Reference.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we've already added these for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

The following API call returns all folders in your pdfFiller account:






The result can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > items.

In our example, 2 folders were returned:
