With ServiceTitan modules in Make, you can create tasks, job notes, and jobs, upload attachments, watch jobs, search for adjustments, receipts, and customers, and make API calls.
To use the ServiceTitan modules, you must have a ServiceTitan account. You can create an account at
Refer to the ServiceTitan API documentation for a list of available endpoints.
Make provides two ways to connect the ServiceTitan app:
To connect ServiceTitan with the Make app, you must:
Customer Admin Account - connect the app and generate client credentials
Make Account - Establish the connection in Make
Connect the App and Generate Client Credentials
Once we add you to our Make Application, you can perform the following steps using your ServiceTitan Customer Administrator permissions.
Log in to your ServiceTitan Customer Administrator account using either the integration log in or production log in, depending on which environment you created the custom app in.
Note: Client ID and Secret values are unique to the specific app and the specific environment. They are not shared between the integration and production environments.
In the top right corner of the page, click the Settings icon.
In the left sidebar, click Integrations > API Application Access.
Click the Connect New App button.
Select the Make app and click the Connect button.
Click the Allow Access button.
Copy the Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret and store them in a safe place.
You will use these credentials to create the connection in Make.
Establish the Connection to ServiceTitan in Make
To establish the connection:
Log in to your Make account, add a ServiceTitan module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.
Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.
In the ServiceTitan application field, select Make ServiceTitan application.
In the Client ID, Client Secret fields, enter the values created in the Connect the ServiceTitan App and Generate Client ID and Secret Values section.
Enter the tenant ID in the Tenant field.
Click Save.
You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more ServiceTitan modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.
You must have a Developer account to set up the integration with Make and a ServiceTitan admin account to create client credentials. To connect ServiceTitan with your custom app, you must:
Developer Account - create a custom app and obtain the application key
Customer Admin Account - connect the app and generate Client ID and Secret values
Make Account - Establish the connection in Make
Create a ServiceTitan Custom App and Obtain the Application Key
You must have a Developer account to perform the following:
Log in to your ServiceTitan Developer account. Select either the integration or production environment, depending on which environment your app will be used in.
Click the + New App button.
Enter all App details for your custom app, including the Tenant(s) that will use the custom app and the necessary API Scopes. For additional details, refer to the ServiceTitan Create an App API documentation.
Click the Create App button. You will return to the My Apps page.
Next to your new app, click Edit.
Copy the Application Key and store it in a safe place as you will use this key to create the connection in Make.
Connect the App and Generate Client Credentials
You must have ServiceTitan Customer Administrator permissions to perform the following:
Log in to your ServiceTitan Customer Administrator account using either the integration log in or production log in, depending on which environment you created the custom app in.
Note: Client ID and Secret values are unique to the specific app and the specific environment. They are not shared between the integration and production environments.
In the top right corner of the page, click the Settings icon.
In the left sidebar, click Integrations > API Application Access.
Click the Connect New App button.
Select the custom app you created and click the Connect button.
Click the Allow Access button.
Copy the Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret and store them in a safe place.
You will use these credentials to create the connection in Make.
Establish the Connection to ServiceTitan in Make
To establish the connection:
Log in to your Make account, add a ServiceTitan module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.
Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.
In the ServiceTitan application field, select My ServiceTitan application.
In the Client ID and Client Secret fields, enter the values created in the Connect the ServiceTitan App and Generate Client ID and Secret Values section.
Enter the tenant ID in the Tenant field.
In the Application Key field, enter the application key of the custom app created in the Create a ServiceTitan Custom App and Obtain the Application Key section.
To connect to the integration environment, select Yes in the Integration Environment field. To connect to the production environment, select No.
Click Save.
You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more ServiceTitan modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.
Build ServiceTitan Scenarios
After connecting the app, you can perform the following actions:
Watch Jobs
Create a Task
Create a Job Note
Create a Job
Upload an Attachment
Search Adjustments
Search Receipts
Search Customers
Make an API Call