Toggl Hire
With Toggl Hire modules in Make, you can list job openings, search candidates, and manage tags and categories in your Toggl Hire account.
To get started with Toggl Hire, create an account at
Connecting Toggl Hire to Make
You must have a premium plan to use Toggl Hire with Make.
To make a connection you need to generate an API key in your Toggl Hire account.
Log in to your Toggl Hire account.
Click your username in the top-right corner, then click Settings.
Click Integrations.
Scroll down and under API keys, click Generate API key.
Click your new API key, give it a name, then copy the key to your clipboard.
Go to your Make scenario and select the Toggl Hire module you want to use.
Under Connection, click Add.
Give your new connection a name.
Paste the API key in the field below.
Click Save.
You have successfully established the connection.
Retrieves all job openings.
Connection | |
Limit | Enter the maximum number of job openings Make returns during one scenario execution cycle. |
Returns detailed information about a job opening.
Connection | |
ID | Enter or select the ID of the job opening you want to retrieve. |
Retrieves all job openings.
Connection | |
Opening ID | Enter or select the ID of the job opening to retrieve candidates from. |
Category ID | Enter or select the ID of the category to retrieve candidates from. |
Tag ID | Enter or select the ID of the tags to retrieve candidates from. |
Hire State | Enter the hire state. For example: |
Enter the email address. | |
Filter | Select how you want to filter the results. |
Rating | Rating corresponds to the stars in the application, so 1 star = rating value |
Order of Started Time | Select how you want to order the results. |
Limit | Enter the maximum number of job openings Make returns during one scenario execution cycle. |
Returns detailed information about a job opening.
Connection | |
Candidate ID | Enter or select the ID of the candidate you want to retrieve. |
Exports specific candidate as a PDF.
Connection | |
Candidate ID | Enter or select the ID of the candidate you want to export. |
Retrieves all tags.
Connection | |
Limit | Enter the maximum number of tags Make returns during one scenario execution cycle. |
Searches for gategories or lists them all.
Connection | |
Job Opening ID | Enter or select the ID of the job opening. Returns only categories from the specified job opening. |
Limit | Enter the maximum number of tags Make returns during one scenario execution cycle. |
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.
For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Toggl Hire API documentation.
Example of use - List candidates
The following API call returns a list of candidates in your Toggl Hire account.
URL: /v2/candidates
Method: GET

Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > data. Our example returned 2 candidates: